Jase Hunter is an outdoor video and photo expert whose work has been featured on:
Jase has earned raved reviews for his work both behind the scenes and on camera. From turkey calling to deer camp adventures and salmon fishing to big game quests, Jase photographs and films them all.

Nate Hosie
HeadHunters TV"I've been working with Jase since my first days in outdoor television. He has a great eye and always gets amazing footage. Thanks in part to Jase's excellent video skills, the Headhunters team earned a Golden Moose Award for Fan Favorite Turkey."

Hunter Wallis
Avian X"I’ve had the pleasure of working with Jase on a professional level for several years. His skill as a photographer and videographer along with his uncanny ability to see and capture what others miss is unprecedented. This talent combined with his natural ability as a hunter and woodsman makes for a rare gem in the outdoor industry."

Sean McVeigh
Sean's Outdoor Adventures"I met Jase when I recruited him to be part of my challenge hunting production the Map Reading Challenge (r). If you are someone looking for input on how to take your video production to the next level, or simply need to hire someone to help you video or produce a hunt or outdoor production, Jase Hunter is a great resource for you."

Josh Grossenbacher
Zink Calls"I've been fortunate enough over the past few years to hunt with Jase. He has always shown up early with a passion to capture the best footage possible. His never-satisfied attitude towards his crafts of vidoegraphy and photography is why I feel his footage and photos are always top notch."